The Franchise Club, led by Yves Sassi, pays tribute to the franchisors who accompanied their franchisees throughout this crisis and Bagel Corner takes second place in the rankings (🥳 🍾) just behind La Mie Caline and ahead of Temporis!

This Trophy is a way of highlight all the work done, to keep franchisees informed standards, obligations, prohibitions, subsidies and conditions for granting them, rents, insurance... but also digital tools, royalty payment conditions, staggering of invoices, workshops, training, new products or adaptation of existing ones.

Video meetingsto listen, share and draw inspiration from what everyone could learn from this crisis or solidarity action with the AP-HP, with the dual aim of helping restaurantsBagel Corner has never been short of initiatives, and now they've been rewarded!

Well done to all the participants! For our part, we're already doing everything we can to come out on top in 2021 💪