When you set out to create a business, the picture is often clouded by the idea of financing. How do you estimate the amount of money you will need to set up your business? How do you find the funds? What type of financing should you choose? These are all questions that can create doubt.
Rest assured: there is plenty of support available in France today to help you set up your own business, and even in the franchising sector! We'll take a look at the various forms of support available. They'll help you get started in the world of entrepreneurship with peace of mind!
A number of public bodies, including Pôle Emploi, offer help with setting up a business if you are unemployed.
New support for business creation or takeover (NACRE)
Le NACRE is support in setting up your start-up or takeover project, in structuring your company's finances and in starting up your business. This scheme allows you set up or take over a business with support for a period of 3 yearsthrough an employment contract signed with an approved organisation.
You can join the NACRE scheme at your own request or on the advice of an organisation such as Pôle emploi or your bank.
Unlike NACRE, theACRE is not a support service as such, but financial assistance This is a partial exemption from social security contributions. In other words, you can receive unemployment benefit for the first few months of employmentwhich guarantees you sufficient cash flow to set up your business with peace of mind. ACRE recipients may also be eligible for other forms of aid, which can be combined.
Help with taking over or starting a business (ARCE)
A slight variant of ACRE, theARCE is to receive unemployment benefit in the form of capital. It concerns jobseekers in the process of setting up or taking over a business, in receipt of Allocation de Retour à l'Emploi and who have already obtained ACRE.
The Business Project Support Contract (BPC)
Less well known to the general public, the CAPE intervenes in the creation or takeover of a company by benefiting from the support of another company. The latter provides you with ongoing support, for example in the form of material and financial resources. In exchange, you undertake to follow a programme of preparation for setting up and running a business.
By joining the network Bagel Corneryou become company director. You can therefore benefit from Pôle Emploi assistance we've mentioned. The icing on the bagel? You can also call on other specialist organisations.
BPI France Création
In 2019, the BPI France created the Creation system. Within this framework, the BPI accompanies you from A to Z in your business creation through coaching, advice and mentoring, but also by providing you with financing solutions - loans, loans of honour, microcredit and, very often, guarantees.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry or Chamber of Trades (depending on your business and location)
Finally, depending on your business and location, we recommend that you consult the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or the Chamber of Trades. The relevant organisation will direct you to the schemes for which you are eligible and which are best suited to your situation and needs. There is a whole range of different types of assistance and schemes available: information, support, but also social, tax and/or financial assistance.
If you can't sort through the existing support and find the one that's right for you, there are organisations that can help you get a loan, and even finance your personal contribution.
BPI France, once again
The BPI offers several loans subject to conditions, sometimes zero rate. This can be a real boost when you want to join a network such as Bagel Corner.
France Active Garantie
During your search for financingIn some cases, banks may ask you for guarantees that you are not in a position to provide. In this case, certain players, such as France Active Garantieare there to support you.
The candidates to franchising Bagel Corner are supported throughout the opening process of their restaurant.
The network coordinators provide future franchisees with advice on finding premises and financing them.. Once the premises have been identified and obtained, our franchisees undergo a 10-day training course in Paris. They then receive support during the first few days of opening, as well as in the day-to-day running of the business.regular monitoring by a network coordinator throughout their career.
Choosing a franchise Bagel Corner,
means choosing a human network operating in a dynamic sector.