Bagel Corner, a brand recognised as being the concept leader fast-food restaurants eco-responsible and digital around the bagel, continues to attract new and motivated entrepreneurs every year. Against this backdrop, the Dalton's of the bagel are pleased to announce the opening of 11 new restaurants in 2020 not to mention all the other new candidates we continue to receive every week in our restaurants.

Already 11 openings for 2020

Bagel Corner is well on the way to achieving its objective of 60 restaurants by December 2020. The year got off to a good start with the opening of Bagel Corner Lille (place de Béthunes). The next restaurant openings will take place in Villefranche, Marseille (La Timone district), Lyon (Place Victor Hugo), Narbonne, Cambrai, Nanterre, Nîmes, Angers, Vannes and Trignac.

The 3 co-founders and their passion for entrepreneurship

The Bagel Corner network was chosen by the organisers of the Paris Entrepreneurs' Fair as ambassador for the 2020 edition, which will be held on 5 and 6 February in Paris. For several weeks, teams from Les Echos launched a poster campaign in targeted locations such as the Paris metro. A newsletter was sent to more than 200,000 people to attract 65,000 visitors over the 2 days of the show. organised in partnership with BPI France, L'Ordre des Experts Comptables, the Ile de France region and the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. " We discovered entrepreneurship during our studies and set up Bagel Corner 10 years ago, when we were still students. Every day, we are delighted to be able to encourage future entrepreneurs to take the plunge and be guided by their passionsenthuses co-founder Grégory Clément.